

GO BEYOND current limits of sensitivity, productivity targets, ruggedness and robustness challenges. Pioneer new discoveries with this innovation.

As a life science researcher today, you are faced with an exceptional set of challenges. Driven to expand biological
coverage to find the next biomarker and run larger cohorts than ever before. It is now crucial to be able to run more
complex mixtures and quantify even larger numbers of analytes from a single injection.
The SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP® Ready helps enable new levels of quantification

and faster translation of analytical information to biological knowledge. Built with
a flexible ionization source; get full coverage of the diverse, multi-component analyses you require. At the same time,
get the peace of mind knowing you can rely on the industry-recognized robustness of SCIEX Triple Quad Systems to protect
your precious samples.
GO BEYOND current analytical challenges and meet future quantification needs with greater sensitivity and linear dynamic
range spanning six orders of magnitude. With the OptiFlow® Pro Ion Source, life science researchers now have versatility for the
breadth of compounds they might be asked to analyze. Together, E Lens™ Technology and the D Jet™ Ion Guide produce next-level
sensitivity, extend linear dynamic range and give access to even larger MRM panels.


From substantiating discoveries to end-to-end validated workflows for high-throughput biomarker testing, the work you do as a clinical
researcher is critical. Speed and robustness, coupled with accuracy, is the key to delivering results. The common theme is the challenge of
discovering novel biomarkers and clinical-relevant analytes. GO BEYOND discovery to verification and validation. Capture a multitude of

information within a single analysis with a linear dynamic range spanning up to six orders of magnitude. The integrated E Lens™
Technology works within the OptiFlow® Pro Ion Source to achieve lower limits of quantification. Get ready to produce next-level sensitivity
in complex biological matrices, including plasma, serum and urine, with the built-in D Jet™ Ion Guide. These new innovations reduce your
sample volume and simplify your sample prep and decrease the need for invasive sampling.
Powered by SCIEX OS Software, the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500 LC-MS/MS System – QTRAP® Ready will enable you to GO BEYOND and
put yourself on the path to pioneering discoveries in clinical research.

Sciex Chromatographic Solution

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