ENVI SARscape 5.5

ENVI SARscape is a powerful software solution designed for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data processing and analysis. It is used for extracting valuable information from SAR data, such as terrain characteristics, surface deformation, and changes in land cover

  • Processes & analyzes Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data.
  • Supports applications like surface deformation mapping & land cover monitoring.
  • Integrates with other geospatial products for combined analysis.
  • Offers automatic refinement, reflattening & improved atmospheric correction.
  • Includes time series classification for automatic change detection.
  • Supports various SAR data formats including Sentinel-1 & HISEA-1.
  • Provides improved downloading of meteorological data for data accuracy.
Integration with ENVI:

ENVI SARscape seamlessly integrates with the ENVI software platform, allowing users to leverage the combined capabilities of both platforms for advanced remote sensing and image analysis tasks.

Software Dependencies:

ENVI SARscape may have dependencies on other software packages or libraries for certain functionalities, such as geospatial libraries for coordinate transformations or external libraries for specific processing algorithms.

Documentation and Support:

Jolla typically provides detailed documentation, user guides, and technical support resources for ENVI SARscape users, ensuring they can effectively utilize the software for their SAR data processing and analysis needs.

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